Monday 2 October 2017

Applications welcome - by Jane Butcher

Bible Art Journaling UK is hiring! Positions available, all backgrounds considered, no previous experience necessary. No forms to fill in, no age (or gender) restrictions and formal qualifications not required
Still interested? Great, let's proceed with the interview.

Do you possess a desk, table or work space of any sort, big or small?
Is your designated work space a haven of ordered peace and tranquillity or an explosion of creativity and works in progress. if anyone called would they feel the need to phone 999 to report a burglary or to sit down and enjoy the calm serenity.

Do you own a Bible and a notebook and a pencil? Additional equipment is welcomed but not necessary, we can advise you on supplies and how to use them.

Do you want to delve deeper into your Bible, draw closer to your Heavenly Father, find encouragement, support, inspiration and have fun? 

If you can read and write independently or with support, if you can draw a stickman and colour in side the lines (not essential), if you enjoy painting, colouring, gluing, stamping, writing, collaging or doodling then you are uniquely (the Bible tells you so) qualified to join our Bible Art Journaling family.

Training can be provided, opportunities to meet together to share fellowship, faith, food and fun are available around the UK. 

Still interested? Your application has been approved, welcome to the family. Monetary incentives not applicable but blessings in abundance guaranteed.
You're Hired! When can you start?

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant!!! Explosion of creativity and works in progress - I'll take that, although yes, you may fear a burglary if you saw it!! I look longingly at neatly ordered spaces on Instagram 😂😂😂
